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Stop self-abandonment  

and enjoy dating.

Dating With Discernment Method ™

Home: Welcome


Hello Sister, I'm Alexis.

A dating coach for divorcées who want to end the cycle of self-abandonment, understand how healthy men date, and enjoy dating after divorce.

My coaching is for women who are...


  • Self-aware and committed to personal growth.

  • Ready to stop ignoring red flags and dating underdeveloped men.

  • Rebuilding self-trust and learning how to listen to their intuition.

  • Willing to practice slow dating while focusing on the facts and not the fantasy.

  • Committed to creating daily practices that maintain authenticity.

  • Wanting to develop stronger boundaries when dating.

  • Excited to meet healthy men and enjoy dating after divorce!

If this sounds like you, then you'll love the 

free Dating With Discernment guide!


It'll give you a sneak peek into the Dating With Discernment Method ™ with an easy-to-follow, life-changing step-by-step framework that you can implement today!

Here's the hard truth...

Dating after divorce isn't about who you date; it's how you date.

If you abandon yourself, it doesn't matter if he's high-caliber or a narcissist - you're going to suffer.

You'll suffer because, when you self-abandon, you disconnect from your authenticity and ignore your intuition.

The problem isn't that there are no good men. The problem is that women become obsessed with the desire to be chosen.

This looks like ignoring red flags with toxic men while acting desperate with the good men (and pushing them away).


The good news is that when you recognize this pattern, you've taken the first step in ending the cycle of self-abandonment.

The next step is to learn the 

Dating With Discernment Method ™. 

This method has three pillars: reclaiming authenticity, understanding how healthy men date, and dating with discernment.

The Dating With Discernment Method is taught in a 90-day three-module format with easy-to-follow frameworks, personal development tools, practices, and techniques. 

You'll also receive 1:1 coaching from me and personalized resource recommendations for your specific challenges.


Are you ready to stop the cycle of self-abandonment and finally enjoy dating after divorce?


My Transformational Divorce


I got married at 36 because I was scared to be alone. 


However, I didn’t realize this until a few days after my marriage ended. I had just completed child support paperwork at the CSS office while nursing my 2-year-old son (and crying). 


I felt dizzy as I stepped onto the sidewalk; my heart was racing, and my vision was blurry. Then it hit me:



I realized that I was not a victim of my marriage. 


My family lineage was saturated with dysfunctional relationships. I had chosen the perfect partner to duplicate what was modeled for me. 

And THIS was my rock bottom - I was a 39-year-old coach getting divorced with a toddler in tow.

At that moment, I had an epiphany: if this was my story, I could change it. It was no longer about ‘us’ or what ‘he did.' I focused on taking accountability for what I brought into the marriage and moving forward.


So, with tears in my eyes, I released my ex from being responsible for my pain and let him go.

Moments later, I felt a surge of intense clarityI was reconnecting with my authentic self after years of being stuck in toxic patterns of self-abandonment.


This breakthrough moment shifted everything and catapulted me into my transformational divorce journey. 

As a coach with two decades of experience in the personal development industry, I turned my epiphany into Dating With Discernment Method ™


This 90-day program will guide you through a three-module process. You'll uncover where, when, and why you self-abandon, understand how healthy men date, and discover the dating with discernment practice. 


Each module contains a framework with personal development tools, practices, and techniques to support your process so you can finally enjoy dating after divorce!



It's no accident that you've found yourself on my website...


It's likely because you don't want to make the same mistake as so many divorcées, and you're searching for support. 

I know your story because it was once mine. You don't have to abandon yourself to be deeply loved!


If this resonates, you are at a pivotal moment and ready for coaching.


Let's chat.

Resources To Guide You On Your Dating After Divorce Journey.
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