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10 Pillars Of A Healthy Man's Heart

This FREE masterclass teaches you how healthy men live, love, and date.

  • 1 hour
  • FREE
  • Zoom

What to Expect

What most divorcées get wrong when dating after divorce is that they assume that all men are like their ex-husbands. Thankfully, they're not! Sister, it's time to forget everything you knew about men and learn something new. In this free master class, you'll discover the 10 Pillars of a Healthy Man's Heart. The first thing to know is that a majority of men feel misunderstood and underappreciated while fearing that women think they're stupid and toxic. This insecurity makes healthy men a bit guarded because they want to feel safe, seen, appreciated, and supported before letting you in. Most women don't understand that for men the initial curiosity is generally physical. Yet how a woman presents herself dictates if the connection remains physical (and she's a placeholder) or becomes an emotional connection as well (aka girlfriend material). This means that he will spend the first 2-3 months of dating vetting you and your category is predicted by how well you nurture the 10 pillars of his heart. In this masterclass you will begin to understand men in a way that you never have before. You'll see how they operate, what they value, what attracts them, and what repels them. Most importantly, you will start to understand how you dictate, whether your connection stays purely physical or dives deeper into the emotional. After you understand these ten pillars, you'll learn how to adjust your dating protocols and appeal to his 10 pillars, while honoring your authenticity. Disclaimer - I am not teaching seduction tools or tricks, or how to manipulate and play games with men. This focus is on understanding and respecting his innate operating system and seeing these pillars as ten love languages. Sign up now because space is limited! DETAILS: Free on Zoom 10 Pillars To A Healthy Man's Heart slide-deck presentation Q&A with each pillar 10 Pillars To A Healthy Man's Heart pdf

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